Loi   Law  

loyal ('lawful'): loyal, loyalisme (loyalisme), loyalty (loyauté)
légal ('lawful'): legal, legality (légalité), legalism (légalisme)
légaliser ('to make lawful'): to legalize, legalization (légalisation)
législateur ('lawmaker'): legislator, to legislate (légiférer), legist ('one skilled in the laws', légiste), legislation (législation), legislative (législatif)
légitime ('according to the law'): legitimate, to legitimate (légitimiser), legitimacy (légitimité), legitimism (légitimisme)

léguer ('to appoint', to bequeath): to legate, legacy (legs), legatee (légataire)
légat ('deputy'): legate, legation (légation)
déléguer ('to appoint away'): to delegate, delegate (délégué), delegation (délégation), delegacy (délégation), delegatee (délégataire)
reléguer ('to send away'): to relegate (reléguer, bannir), relegation (relégation, bannissement)

 Ă‰volution phonĂ©tique: Phonetic evolution

It legge (law), legale (legal), leale (loyal), legittimo (legitimate)

Justice: Justice
Juste: Right
Jurer: to Swear
Loi: Law
Coupable: Guilty
TĂ©moin: Witness

© Renaud Bouret