NaĂ®tre   to be Born  

natal (belonging to one's birth): natal, natality (natalité), prenatal ('before birth', prénatal), antenatal ('before birth', prénatal), postnatal ('after birth', postnatal)
nation ('birthplace'): nation, nationality (nationalité), nationalism (nationalisme), to nationalize (nationaliser), international (international)
naissant ('being born'): nascent
renaissance ('re-birth'): renaissance, renascence (renaissance), renascent (renaissant)
nature ('birth', inborn character): nature, natural (naturel), naturally (naturellement), to naturalize (naturaliser), naturism (naturisme), naturalism (naturalisme), supernatural (surnaturel), to denature (dénaturer), connatural (inné, congénère)
natif ('natural'): native, naive (naïf), nativity (nativité)
Noël ('day of [Christ's] birth'): Christmas
inné ('inborn'): innate
cognat ('born together'): cognate (parent), cognation (parenté), connate (inné, congénital), agnate (agnat , consanguin)
imprégner ('to render pregnant', to imbue): to impregnate, pregnant ('before birth', enceinte)

engendrer (to produce, to breed): to engender, gender (genre)
générer (to give birth): to generate, generation (génération), generator (générateur), to degenerate (dégénérer), to regenerate (régénérer)
gène: gene, genetics (génétique)
génie (inborn nature, wit): genius, genial (génial, nuptial, cordial), engine (engin), engineer (ingénieur)
généreux ('of noble birth'): generous, generosity (générosité)
primogĂ©niture ('first-born'): primogeniture, primogenitor (primogĂ©niteur)  primogeniture

Greek genea- (birth, family) genealogy (généalogie)

Es Navidad (Christmas)
It Natale (Christmas), nascere (to be born), nato (born), nazione (nation), natura (nature), cognato (brother-in-law), antenato ('born before', ancestor)

Ă‚me: Soul
Esprit: Mind
ĂŠtre: to Be
Respirer: to Breathe
Vie: Life
Naître: to be Born
Mort: Death
Jeune: Young
Vieux: Old
Homme: Man
Femme : Woman
Dormir: to Sleep
Santé: Health

© Renaud Bouret