Vouloir   to Want  

volontaire ('willing'): voluntary, volunteer, voluntarily (volontairement)
volition: volition, volitional (volitif)
bénévole ('wanting good'): benevolent (charitable), benevolence (bienveillance)  Bien: Good, malevolent ('wanting bad', malveillant)  Mal: Bad

It volere (to want), volontà (will)

Bien: Well
Bon: Good
Mal: Bad
Vrai: True
错 錯 Faux: Wrong
Savoir: to Know
Croire: to Believe
Feindre: to Sham
Vouloir: to Want
Écrire: to Write
读 讀 Lire: to Read
Apprendre: to Learn
Oublier: to Forget

© Renaud Bouret