天帝   Dieu   God  

déiste ('partisan of a god'): deist, deism (déisme), deity (divinité)
déicide ('murder of god'): deicide
déifier ('to make god'): to deify, deification (déification)
adieu ('to God', farewell): adieu
Le Homme Dieu (Minnesota) and L'Hommedieu (Massachussets) mean 'the God made man', in other words 'Jesus'  Homme: Man.

divin ('godlike'): divine, divinity (divinité)
devin (fortune-teller): diviner, divine (théologien, ecclésiastique), to divine (prédire),divination (divination)

French 'dieu', Latin 'deus', Greek 'theos' and 'Zeus', Old English 'Tiwes' (as in 'Tuesday') have the same origin.

Es Dios (God)
It Dio (God), divino (godlike, divine),diva (goddess, star)

外交 Diplomatie: Diplomacy
战戰 Guerre: War
Cité: Town
Roi: King
天帝 Dieu: God
自由 Libre: Free
胜 勝 Vaincre: to Win

© Renaud Bouret