二 Deux Two
deux: deuce ('two on a card or on a die')
dualité ('consisting of two parts'): duality, dualism (dualisme), dual (duel)
duel ('[fight] between two'): duel
duo (group of two): duo, duet (duo, couple)
double ('two-fold'): double, doublet (doublet)
duplicité ('[playing] on both sides'): duplicity, duplicate (duplicata, double), duplication (duplication, reproduction)
douze (2 + 10, twelve): dozen (douzaine)
paire ('two of equal rank'): pair, au pair('on par', au pair)
pair ('of equal rank'): peer, umpire ('non-peer', 'impartial', arbitre)
parité ('equal rank', evenness): parity
couple ('linked together'): couple, to couple (coupler, accoupler), to uncouple (découpler)
ambi- (about, both): ambiguous ('round about', ambigu), ambidextrous ('two right hands', ambidextre) ⇨ Droite: Right, ambivalent ('both values', ambivalent) ⇨ ambivalent
★ The Latin prefix bi- and the Greek prefix di- also mean two (or twice), as in: bilingual (speaker of two languages, bilingue), biceps ('[muscle attached] with two heads', biceps) ⇨ triceps, bicycle ('two circles', bicyclette), binary (two-fold, binaire), to combine ('to join two things together', combiner), biped ('with two feet', bipède) ⇨ Quatre: Four, biscuit ('cooked twice', biscuit), bisector ('cutting in two', bissectrice), bisexual ('with two sexes', bisexué), balance ('with two platters', balance), and dilemma ('double proposition', dilemme), diode (tube with two electrodes, diode), diploma ('document folded double', licence, diplôme), dissyllable ('two-syllable [word]', dissyllabe).
Es dos (two), doble (double), doce (twelve), pareja (pair, couple)
It due (two), duo (group of two, duet), doppio (double), dodici (twelve), paio (pair), coppia (couple)
Po duas (two), doble (double), dobrar (to double), par (pair)
百 Cent: Hundred
十 Dix: Ten
一 Un: One
甲 Premier: First
二 Deux: Two
三 Trois: Three
四 Quatre: Four
五 Cinq: Five
六 Six: Six
七 Sept: Seven
八 Huit: Eight
九 Neuf: Nine
千 Mille: Thousand
© Renaud Bouret