Construire   to Build  

structure ('heap', 'building'): structure, structural (structural), superstructure (superstructure)
construire ('to heap together', to build): to construct, construction (construction)
détruire ('to unbuild'): to destroy, destruction (destruction), destructible (destructible), destructive (destructif, destructeur)
instruire ('to build into', 'to assemble', to teach): to instruct, instruction (instruction), instructive (instructif), instructor (instructeur)
instrument ('building tool'): instrument, instrumental (instrumental, utile)
obstruer ('to build against'): to obstruct, obstruction (obstruction), obstructive (obstructif)
 Ã‰volution phonétique: Phonetic evolution

édifier ('to make a fireplace', to build): to edify  Faire: to Do
édifice (building): edifice, edification (édification)

Es estrutura (structure), construir (to build), destruir (to destroy), instruir (to instruct), instrumento (instrument, tool)
It struttura (structure), costruire (to build), distruggere (to destroy), istruire (to instruct), strumento (instrument, tool)

Maison: Home
Domicile: House
Habiter: to Dwell
Nid: Nest
Chambre: Room
门 門 Porte: Door
Clé: Key
Fenêtre: Window
Mur: Wall
Escalier: Stairs
Construire: to Build
Cour: Yard
Four: Oven
Lit: Bed
Laver: to Wash
Raser: to Scrape

© Renaud Bouret