Faire   to Do  

fait ('deed'): feat (haut fait), fact, factual (factuel)
fait accompli ('accomplished fact'): fait accompli
faisable (doable): feasible (réalisable), feasibility (praticabilité)
affaire ('[something] to do'): affair (affaire, liaison)
laissez-faire ('let things be done [by themselves]'): laissez-faire
facteur ('doer'): factor, factory (fabrique), factorial (factorielle), to factorize (mettre en facteurs)
faction ('a doing', 'taking part'): faction, factious (factieux), factitious (factice)
facile ('doable', easy): facile, to facilitate (faciliter), facility (facilité), facilities (aménagements, infrastructures)
faculté ('ability to make'): faculty
facultatif ('which may be done'): facultative
factotum ('one who makes everything'): factotum  Entier: Whole

affecter ('to act upon', to touch, to assign): to affect, affectation (affectation), affecting (touchant), affected (affecté)
affection ('being touched'): affection, affectionate (affectueux), affective (affectif)
confection ('making together'): confection, to confect (confectionner), confectionery (confiserie)
contrefait ('made like', imitated): counterfeit, counterfeiting (contrefaçon), counterfeiter (contrefacteur)
défaite ('undoing', failure, defeat): defeat, defeasance (abrogation), defeasible (annulable), defect (déficience, défaut), defective (défectueux), defection (défection), deficient (déficient), deficiency (déficience), deficit (déficit)
effet ('outcome'): effect, effectual (probant), to effectuate (effectuer), effective (efficace, effectif, réel, en vigueur), effectiveness (efficacité, effet), efficacy (efficacité), efficacious (efficace), efficient (efficient, efficace), efficiency (efficacité, compétence)
forfait ('done beyond', 'trespassing'): forfeit, forfeiture (retrait, déchéance)
infecter ('to put in', 'to taint'): to infect, infection (infection), infectious (infectieux), infective (contagieux), to disinfect (désinfecter), disinfectant (désinfectant), disinfection (désinfection)
officier ('to do towards'): officer (officier, fonctionnaire), office (office, fonction, bureau), official (officiel), officious (officieux), officiant (officiant)
parfait ('thoroughly made'): perfect, perfection (perfection), perfectible (perfectible)
préfet ('placed before'): prefect, prefecture (préfecture), prefectorial (préfectoral)
profit ('progress made'): profit, profitable (profitable), proficient (compétent),
profiteur ('profit taker'): profiteer
refaire ('to remake'): refection ('light meal', réfection, collation), refectory ('room for meals in a community', réfectoire)
surfait ('done above', exaggerated): surfeit (satiété), to surfeit (dégoûter)

 Ã‰volution phonétique: Phonetic evolution

fac-similé ('make thou like'): facsimile, fax (télécopie)  Semblable: Same
bienfait ('good deed'): benefaction  Bien: Good
clarifier ('to make clear'): to clarify  Lumière: Light
déifier ('to make god'): to deify  Dieu: God
édifier ('to make a home'): to edify  Contruire: to Build
falsifier ('to make wrong'): to falsify  Faux: Wrong
fortifier ('to make strong'): to fortify  Fort: Strong
justifier ('to make right'): to justify  Juste: Right
lignifier ('to make as wood'): to lignify  Bois: Wood
magnifier ('to make large'): to magnify  Grand: Big
malfaisance ('evil deed'): malfeasance  Mal: Bad
manufacture ('hand making'): manufacture  Main: Hand
mortifier ('to cause death'): to mortify  Mort: Death
ossifier (to turn to bone): to ossify  Os: Bone
pétrifier ('to turn into stone'): to petrify  Pierre: Stone
putréfier ('to make rotten'): to putrefy
satisfaire ('to make enough'): to satisfy
simplifier ('to make simple'): to simplify  Un: One
stupéfier ('to make amazed'): to stupefy  Stupéfier: to Amaze
unifier ('to make as one') to unify  Un: One
vérifier ('to make true'): to verify  Vrai: True
vivifier ('to make alive'): to vivify  Vie: Life

Es hacer (to do), hacienda ('thing to be done', 'ranch', hacienda), factor (factor), fácil (easy), facultad (faculty), oficina (office), perfecto (perfect)
It fare (to do), fatto (fact), fattore (factor), facile (easy), facoltà (faculty), ufficio (office), uffizio (religious office), perfetto (perfect)

Trembler: to Shake
Étrangler: to Choke
把 持 Tenir: to Hold
Prendre: to Take
驯 馴 Dompter: to Tame
Mettre: to Put, to Send
Poser: to Set
Montrer: to Show
Presser: to Squeeze
Tirer: to Pull
Tendre: to Stretch
Rompre: to Break
缚 縛 Attacher: to Fasten
Pendre: to Hang
Faire: to Do
Cacher: to Hide
Garder: to Keep
Plier: to Fold
Voûter: to Bend
Tordre: to Twist
Tailler: to Cut
Jeter: to Throw
Coup: Strike

© Renaud Bouret