Mal   Bad  

malice (badness, evil): malice, malicious (méchant, mauvais)
maladie ('bad habit', disease): malady
malaise ('bad ease', 'disease', discomfort): malaise
mal à propos (untimely, inopportune): malapropos  Poser: to Set
malaria ('bad air'): malaria
malédiction ('evil saying'): malediction  Dire: to Say
maléfique ('evil making'): malefic, maleficent (malfaisant), malfeasance (acte illégal), malfeasant (coupable), malefactor (malfaiteur)
malformation ('bad shaping'): malformation
malin ('ill-born'): malign ,malignant (malveillant, malin)
malnutrition ('bad feeding'): malnutrition  Nourrir: to Feed
maltraiter ('to treat badly'): to maltreat, maltreatment (mauvais traitement)
malveillant ('evil wanting'): malevolent, malevolence (malveillance)  Vouloir: to Want
malversation ('bad act'): malversation

pessimiste ('who expects the worst'): pessimist

Malad City (Idaho) means 'the place [were the men became] sick'.

It male (bad), peggio (worse), pessimo (worst)
Jp mararia (malaria)

Bien: Well
Bon: Good
Mal: Bad
Vrai: True
错 錯 Faux: Wrong
Savoir: to Know
Croire: to Believe
Feindre: to Sham
Vouloir: to Want
Écrire: to Write
读 讀 Lire: to Read
Apprendre: to Learn
Oublier: to Forget

© Renaud Bouret