Mort   Death  

mortel (deadly): mortal, mortality (mortalité), mortally (mortellement)
mortifier ('to cause death'): to mortify, mortification (mortification)
mortuaire (belonging to the dead): mortuary (mortuaire, morgue), mortgage ('dead pledge', hypothèque), mortician (croque-mort)
moribond ('dying'): moribund
immortel ('not subject to death'): immortal, immortality (immortalité), to immortalize (immortaliser), postmortem ('after death', autopsie)
mainmorte ('dead hand'): mortmain  Main: Hand

morbide ('ill'): morbid, morbidity (morbidité)
  Greek necro- (death) necrology ('science of the dead', nécrologie), necromancy ('communion with the dead', nécromancie), necropolis ('city of the dead', nécropole), necrosis ('mortification', nécrose)

Fr meurtre (murder), meurtrier (murderer)
Es muerte (death)
It morte (death), morire (to die), morbido (soft), morboso (morbid)

Âme: Soul
Esprit: Mind
Être: to Be
Respirer: to Breathe
Vie: Life
Naître: to be Born
Mort: Death
Jeune: Young
Vieux: Old
Homme: Man
Femme : Woman
Dormir: to Sleep
Santé: Health

© Renaud Bouret