ÃŽle   Island  

île (island): isle, Lyle ('of the island')
îlet ('small isle'): islet (îlet, îlot)
isoler ('[to detach] like an island'): to isolate, isolationism (isolationnisme), isolator (isolateur, isolant)
insulaire ('pertaining to an island'): insular, insularity (insularité), to insulate (isoler), insulation (isolation), insulator (isolateur)
péninsule ('almost island'): peninsula, peninsular (péninsulaire)

  Although the words 'île' (formerly 'isle') and 'island' look strangely similar, they do not share the same origin.
Presque Isle (Pennsylvania, Michigan) means 'almost island' (peninsula). Erie (Pennsylvania) was originally called Fort de la Presqu'Isle du Lac Érié (Erie lake peninsula fort).

  Greek nesia ('island') Melanesia ('black [people] islands', Mélanésie), Micronesia ('small islands', Micronésie), Polynesia ('many islands', Polynésie)

Es isla (island)
It isola (island)

Terre: Earth
Monde: World
Ciel: Sky
Soleil: Sun
Lune: Moon
Étoile: Star
Mer: Sea
ÃŽle: Island
Vent: Wind
Nuage: Cloud
Pluie: Rain
Chaud: Hot
Froid: Cold
Frais: Cool
Geler: to Freeze
Champ: Field

© Renaud Bouret