Chambre   Room  

chambre: chamber
caméra ('[dark] room'): camera
chambellan ('who takes care of rooms'): chamberlain
camarade ('roommate'): comrade, camaraderie (camaraderie)  companion

 Ã‰volution phonétique: phonetic evolution

It camera (room)
De kammerherr (chamberlain)

Maison: Home
Domicile: House
Habiter: to Dwell
Nid: Nest
Chambre: Room
门 門 Porte: Door
Clé: Key
Fenêtre: Window
Mur: Wall
Escalier: Stairs
Construire: to Build
Cour: Yard
Four: Oven
Lit: Bed
Laver: to Wash
Raser: to Scrape

© Renaud Bouret