Commerce   Trade  

commerce ('trade with'): commerce, commercial (commercial), to commercialize (commercialiser)
marché 'trading place'): market
marchand ('trader'): merchant, merchandise (marchandise)
mercantile ('related to trade'): mercantile, mercantilism (mercantilisme)
mercier ('trader [in textiles]'): mercer, mercery (mercerie)
mercenaire ('paid' [soldier]'): mercenary
merci ('salary', grace, pity, thank you): mercy (pitié, clémence)

 Ã‰volution phonétique: phonetic evolution

It commercio (trade), merce (merchandise), mercato (market)

金融 Finance: Finance
Devoir: to Owe
Commerce: Trade
Vendre: to Sell
Å’uvre: Work
Labeur: Toil
Bureau: Desk
Riche: Wealthy
Valeur: Worth

© Renaud Bouret