造 Construire to Build
structure ('heap', 'building'): structure, structural (structural), superstructure (superstructure)
construire ('to heap together', to build): to construct, construction (construction)
détruire ('to unbuild'): to destroy, destruction (destruction), destructible (destructible), destructive (destructif, destructeur)
instruire ('to build into', 'to assemble', to teach): to instruct, instruction (instruction), instructive (instructif), instructor (instructeur)
instrument ('building tool'): instrument, instrumental (instrumental, utile)
obstruer ('to build against'): to obstruct, obstruction (obstruction), obstructive (obstructif)
⇨ Évolution phonétique: Phonetic evolution
édifier ('to make a fireplace', to build): to edify ⇨ Faire: to Do
édifice (building): edifice, edification (édification)
Es estrutura (structure), construir (to build), destruir (to destroy), instruir (to instruct), instrumento (instrument, tool)
It struttura (structure), costruire (to build), distruggere (to destroy), istruire (to instruct), strumento (instrument, tool)
房 Maison: Home
家 Domicile: House
住 Habiter: to Dwell
巢 Nid: Nest
室 Chambre: Room
门 門 Porte: Door
钥 Clé: Key
窗 Fenêtre: Window
壁 Mur: Wall
梯 Escalier: Stairs
造 Construire: to Build
园 Cour: Yard
炉 Four: Oven
床 Lit: Bed
洗 Laver: to Wash
刮 Raser: to Scrape
© Renaud Bouret