线 綫   Fil   Thread  

fil (thread): file (file, queue)
filet ('small thread', 'threaded', net): filet, fillet
filaire ('relating to threads'): filar, filaria
filament ('thin thread'): filament, filamentous (filamenteux)
filature ('threading', spinning): filature
filiforme ('thread-shaped'): filiform  Forme: Shape
filigrane ('thread grain', watermark): filigree  Graine: Seed
défiler (to unthread, to march in file): to defile, to defilade, defile (défilé), defilade (défilement)
enfilade ('string [of shots]'): enfilade
profiler ('front thread', 'front line'): to profile, profile (profil, silhouette), profiling (profilage)

Es hilo (thread)
It filo (thread), profilo (profile)

Bâton: Stick
Barre: Rail
Couteau: Knife
Lame: Blade
Corde: Rope
线 綫 Fil: Thread
Aiguille: Needle
Sac: Bag
Boule: Ball
书 書 Livre: Book
Arme: Weapon

© Renaud Bouret