Graine   Seed  

grain (seed, wheat): grain
grenu ('grainy'): grainy
grenier (storehouse for grain): granary
grange (storehouse for grain): grange (grange, manoir)
granule ('little grain'): granule, to granulate (granuler), granular (granuleux)
granit (speckled stone): granite
gros-grain ('coarse grain [fabric]'): gros-grain, grogram, grog (grog), groggy (éméché, sonné)
  British admiral Vernon, who decided to dilute rum with water, was nicknamed 'Old Grog' by his (unhappy) sailors because he wore a grogram suit.

La Grange (Missouri) means 'the granary' (it may also be a person's name).

It grano (grain, wheat), granito (grainy, granite)

Arbre: Tree
Bois: Wood
Herbe: Grass
Graine: Seed
Feuille: Leaf
Fleurir: to Bloom
Maturité: Ripeness
Prune: Plum
Cannabis: Hemp

© Renaud Bouret