Multi   Many  

multitude ('many'): multitude
multiple ('many-fold'): multiple, to multiply (multiplier), multiplication (multiplication), multiplicity (multiplicité)

multicolore ('of many different colors'): multicolored
multiforme ('with many shapes'): multiform  Forme: Shape
multilatéral ('many-sided'): multilateral
multilingue ('in several languages'): multilingual  Langue: Tongue
multipartite ('having many parts'): multipartite  Partir: to Leave
multivalent ('with many values'): multivalent  Valeur: Worth

  Greek poly- (many, several) polyglot ('[knowing] several languages', polyglotte), polyvalent ('with various skills', polyvalent)

It molto (many, very)

Entier: Whole
Moitié: Half
Multi: Many
Seul: Alone
Peu: Little
Bas: Low
Fond: Bottom
Haut: High
Droite: Right
Grand: Big
Petit: Small
Bref: Short
Étroit: Narrow
Large: Wide
Début: Start
Commencer: to Begin
Finir: to End
Terme: Boundary
Croître: to Grow

© Renaud Bouret