Seul   Alone  

seul: sole
solitaire (lonely): solitary, solitude (solitude)
solo ('[played] alone']: solo, soloist (soliste)
désolé ('to make fully lonely', sorry): desolate, desolation (désolation)
soliloque ('a speaking to oneself'): soliloquy  Parler: to Talk
consoler (to comfort): to console, consolation (consolation), solace (consolation)

mono- (sole, one and only): mono-  Un: One
moine ('solitary'): monk, monastery (monastère), minster (cathédrale)
Westminster means 'western cathedral' (cathédrale de l'ouest).
monarque ('sole ruler'): monarch, monarchy (monarchie)
monopole ('lone seller'): monopoly
Des Moines river (Iowa) means 'river of the monks', but it could also derive from an Indian name.

It solo (alone), solitudine (solitude)

Entier: Whole
Moitié: Half
Multi: Many
Seul: Alone
Peu: Little
Bas: Low
Fond: Bottom
Haut: High
Droite: Right
Grand: Big
Petit: Small
Bref: Short
Étroit: Narrow
Large: Wide
Début: Start
Commencer: to Begin
Finir: to End
Terme: Boundary
Croître: to Grow

© Renaud Bouret