Soleil   Sun  

solaire (belonging to the sun): solar
solarium ('sunny place'): solarium
solstice ('when the sun stops'): solstice
insolation ('in the sun'): insolation (insolation, ensoleillement)
parasol ('sun protector', umbrella): parasol

  Greek helio heliocentric ('with the sun in the center', héliocentrique), heliotrope ('[flower] turning toward the sun', héliotrope)

Es sol (sun)
It sole (sun), girasole (sunflower)

Terre: Earth
Monde: World
Ciel: Sky
Soleil: Sun
Lune: Moon
Étoile: Star
Mer: Sea
ÃŽle: Island
Vent: Wind
Nuage: Cloud
Pluie: Rain
Chaud: Hot
Froid: Cold
Frais: Cool
Geler: to Freeze
Champ: Field

© Renaud Bouret