Tirer   to Pull  

tirer (to pull, to draw, to elongate): tier (rangée, étage)
tirage ('pulling', printing): tirage
retirer (to withdraw): to retire (se retirer), retirement (retraite)
attirer ('to draw to'): to attire (orner, vêtir)

traction ('drawing along'): traction, tractor (tracteur), tract ('short treatise', tract)
tracer (to draw): to trace, trace (trace)
traire (to draw, to milk): trait (trait)
traiter (to handle): to treat, treatise (traité), treaty (traité), treatment (traitement), to entreat (supplier)
abstraire ('to draw from')
attrait (drawn to'): to attract (attirer), attractive (attrayant), attraction (attraction)
contrat ('drawing together'): contract, contraction (contraction), contractible (contractile), contractor (contractant)
distraire ('to draw apart'): to distract, distraction (distraction)
extraire ('to draw out'): to extract, extract (extrait), extractor (extracteur), extraction (extraction)
maltraiter ('to treat badly'): to maltreat, to mistreat (maltraiter)  Mal: Bad
portrait ('drawn forward'): portrait, to portray (dépeindre), portraiture (portrait, description), portraitist (portraitiste)
retracer ('to draw again'): to retrace
rétracter ('to draw back'): to retract, retractile (rétractile)
retraiter ('to draw back'): to retreat
soustraire ('to draw away'): to subtract

traîner (to drag): train (train)

 Dessiner: to Draw
 Ã‰volution phonétique: Phonetic evolution

It tirare (to pull), ritratto (portrait)

Trembler: to Shake
Étrangler: to Choke
把 持 Tenir: to Hold
Prendre: to Take
驯 馴 Dompter: to Tame
Mettre: to Put, to Send
Poser: to Set
Montrer: to Show
Presser: to Squeeze
Tirer: to Pull
Tendre: to Stretch
Rompre: to Break
缚 縛 Attacher: to Fasten
Pendre: to Hang
Faire: to Do
Cacher: to Hide
Garder: to Keep
Plier: to Fold
Voûter: to Bend
Tordre: to Twist
Tailler: to Cut
Jeter: to Throw
Coup: Strike

© Renaud Bouret