Venir   to Come  

aventure ('about to come'): adventure, venture (aventure, risque), adventurer (aventurier), adventurous (aventureux), misadventure (mésaventure)
Avent ('approach [of Jesus birth]', avènement): Advent
avenue ('which comes to'): avenue
circonvenir ('to come around'): to circumvent, circumvention (tromperie)
contrevenir ('to come against'): to contravene, contravention (contravention)
convenir ('to come together', to agree): to convene, covenant (convention, pacte), convenient (convenable), convention (convention), conventional (conventionnel)
couvent ('assembly' [especially of monks or nuns]): convent
contrevenir ('to come against'): to contravene, contravention (contravention)
évènement ('which comes out'): event, eventual (éventuel), eventuality (éventualité)
intervenir ('to come between'): to intervene, intervention (intervention), interventionist (interventionniste)
inventer ('to come upon'): to invent, invention (invention), inventor (inventeur), inventive (inventif), inventory (inventaire)
parvenu ('one who has arrived', newly rich): parvenu
prévenir ('to come before', to anticipate, to warn): to prevent, prevention (prévention), preventive (préventif)
provenir ('to come from'): provenance (provenance)
revenu ('which comes back'): revenue
souvenir ('to come under', to remember): souvenir
subvention ('which comes under', subsidy): subvention
survenir ('to come upon'): to supervene

Fr avenir (future), devenir (to become)
Es venir (to come), ventura (fortune), avenida (avenue), avenencia (agreement), convento (convent), evento (event)
It venire (to come), avvenire (to happen), diventare (to become), convento (convent), evento (event)
Jp abanchûru (adventure, affair)

Venir: to Come
Aller: to Go
Partir: to Leave
Sortir: to Come out, to Go out
Entrer: to Go in, to Come in
Ouvrir: to Open
Clore: to Shut
Monter: to Climb
Marcher: to Walk
Courir: Run
Fuir: to Flee
流浪 Errer: to Wander
Sauter: to Jump
飞 飛 Voler: to Fly
Chasser: to Hunt
Suivre: to Follow
Chute: Fall
Arrêter: to Stop
Atteindre: to Reach
Asseoir: to Sit
Lever: to Rise

© Renaud Bouret