Atteindre   to Reach  

atteindre ('to touch to', to reach): to attain, attainable (accessible), to attaint (frapper de mort civile, affecter, flétrir), attainder (mort civile), attainment (acquisition)

tangible ('touchable'): tangible, tangibility (tangibilité), intangible (intangible), intangibility (intangibilité)
contingent ('touching with')

tact ('[delicate] touch'): tact
contact ('a close touching'): contact, to contact (contacter)
contagion ('touching with'): contagion, contagious (contagieux)
contaminer ('to touch with'): to contaminate, contamination (contamination)
intact ('not touched'): intact

contigu ('touching with'): contiguous, contiguity (contiguïté)

 Entier: Whole

Venir: to Come
Aller: to Go
Partir: to Leave
Sortir: to Come out, to Go out
Entrer: to Go in, to Come in
Ouvrir: to Open
Clore: to Shut
Monter: to Climb
Marcher: to Walk
Courir: Run
Fuir: to Flee
流浪 Errer: to Wander
Sauter: to Jump
飞 飛 Voler: to Fly
Chasser: to Hunt
Suivre: to Follow
Chute: Fall
Arrêter: to Stop
Atteindre: to Reach
Asseoir: to Sit
Lever: to Rise

© Renaud Bouret