Mère   Mother  

maternel ('motherly'): maternal, maternity (maternité), matrimony ('motherhood', mariage), matrimonial (matrimonial)
matrone ('big mother'): matron, matronage (état de matrone, ensemble des matrones), matronship (intendance)
matrilinéaire ('in mother's line'): matrilineal
matriarcat ('mother's power'): matriarchy
matricide ('murder of the mother'): matricide
matrice ('mother's womb', 'parent stock', mold): matrix, to matriculate (immatriculer), matriculation (immatriculation)

Es madre (mother)
It madre (mother)

Père: Father
Mère: Mother
Frère: Brother
SÅ“ur: Sister
Fils: Child
Mari: Husband
Enfant: Child

© Renaud Bouret