Finir   to End  

fin (end): finis
final (at the end): final, finale (finale), finality (irrévocabilité, finalité), to finalize (finaliser)
finir: to finish, finite (fini), finisher (coup de grâce)
finance ('putting and end to a debt or a fine', money matter): finance, financial (financier), fine (amende)
affinité ('same end'): affinity, affinitive (apparenté)
confiner ('to keep within limits'): to confine, confines (confins), confinement (détention, limitation)
définir ('to end down', 'to limit'): to define, definition (définition), definitive (définitif), definite (défini), indefinite (indéfini)
infini ('without end'): infinite, infinity (infinité), infinitive (infinitif), infinitesimal (infinitésimal)

fin ('accomplished'): fine
finesse (fineness): finesse (ruse), finery (luxe)
raffiner ('to make fine again'): to refine, refinement (raffinement), refinery (raffinerie), refining (raffinage)

 Terme: Boundary

Es fin (end), confin (confines), definir (to define), infinito (infinite), fino (fine), fineza (fineness)
It fine (end), confine (confines), definire (to define), infinito (infinite), fino (fine), finezza (fineness)
De Ende (end)

Entier: Whole
Moitié: Half
Multi: Many
Seul: Alone
Peu: Little
Bas: Low
Fond: Bottom
Haut: High
Droite: Right
Grand: Big
Petit: Small
Bref: Short
Étroit: Narrow
Large: Wide
Début: Start
Commencer: to Begin
Finir: to End
Terme: Boundary
Croître: to Grow

© Renaud Bouret