Roue   Wheel  

rotation ('turning like a wheel'): rotation, rotary (rotatoire), rotative (rotatif)
rotondité ('in the shape of a wheel'): rotundity (rondeur), rotund (rond, arrondi), rotunda (rotonde)
rond ('[shaped] like a wheel'): round (rond, ronde)

rouler ('to turn around'): to roll, roulade (roulade)
roulette (small wheel): roulette
rouleau ('[paper] roll'): roll
rôle ('[written on a paper] roll'): role
contrôle ('duplicate register'): control, to control (contrôler)
enrôler ('to write down on a roll'): to enroll

Es rueda (wheel), rodar (to turn), rodear (to turn around), rodeo ('a going around', rodeo), redondo (round)
It rota (wheel), rotare (to turn), rotondo (round), rotonda ('circular building', rotunda), rotolare (to roll), ruolo (role)

Navire: Ship
Voile: Sail
Rive: Shore
Roue: Wheel
Route: Road
载 載 Charge: Load
Voie: Way
Passer: to Go through
Porter: to Bear

© Renaud Bouret