Mer   Sea  

marine (pertaining to the sea): marine, marina (port de plaisance)
marin (sailor): mariner
mariner ('to brine'): to marinate, marinade (marinade)
maritime: maritime
cormoran ('sea raven'): cormorant
outremer ('overseas'): ultramarine, transmarine (d'outremer)  Ã‰volution phonétique: phonetic evolution
sous-marin ('under sea'): submarine

  French 'mer' comes from Latin while English 'mere' (lac), mermaid (sirène), and 'moor' (marais) have a Germanic origin, but all these words share a common Indo-European root.

Es marina (marine)
It marina (marine)

Terre: Earth
Monde: World
Ciel: Sky
Soleil: Sun
Lune: Moon
Étoile: Star
Mer: Sea
ÃŽle: Island
Vent: Wind
Nuage: Cloud
Pluie: Rain
Chaud: Hot
Froid: Cold
Frais: Cool
Geler: to Freeze
Champ: Field

© Renaud Bouret