Or   Gold  

auréole ('golden hallo around a saint's head'): aureole
aurifère ('containing gold'): auriferous
doré: aureate
  The word orange is the French version of a Persian word. Like its scientific name (Citrus aurantium), it could have been influenced by the golden color of the fruit.
Au: gold

Es oro (gold)
It oro (gold), aureo (golden)

Eau: Water
Glace: Ice
Onde: Wave
Flux: Stream
Source: Spring
Feu: Fire
Cendre: Ash
Flamber: to Burn
Lumière: Light
Briller: to Shine
Obscur: Dark
Ombre: Shadow
Or: Gold
Argent: Silver
Fer: Iron
Pierre: Stone
Charbon: Coal

© Renaud Bouret