Couleurs   Colors  

Plant names are often used to indicate color:
lavande (lavender)  Laver: to Wash
lilas (lilac)
mauve (mallow)
prune (plum)
rose (rose)  Rose: Pink
violette (violet)

Some animal names are also used to indicate color:
saumon (salmon)  Sauter: to Jump
taupe (mole)

Other color names:
beige ('wool natural color')
sable (sand)

Some important French color names have a Germanic origin:
blue: bleu
brown: brun
gray: gris

  Greek chrome (color) polychrome ('many colors', multicolored, polychrome)

Couleurs: Colors
Blanc: White
Noir: Black
绿 Vert: Green
Rouge: Red
Jaune: Yellow
Rose: Pink
Marron: Brown

© Renaud Bouret