白 Blanc White
blanc (white, empty): blank (blanc, vide), blankly (l'esprit vide, carrément), blanket ('white sheet', couverture)
blanquette (veal with white sauce): blanquette
blanc-manger ('white food', white jelly): blanc-manger
carte blanche ('blank paper [already signed]'): carte blanche
✓ Blanche (Alabama, Tennessee) means 'white'. Bois Blanc Island (Michigan) means 'white wood' island. ⇨ Bois: Wood. Chene Blanc or Chien Blanc (Louisiana) means 'white dog'. ⇨ Chien: Dog. Cote Blanche (Louisiana) means 'white shore'.
aube ('white [tunic]'): alb
aube ('[when the sky] becomes white', dawn): aubade ('morning [song]', aubade)
album ('white [tablet]'): album
⇨ Évolution phonétique: Phonetic evolution
candeur ('whiteness', 'brightness', innocence): candor, candid (sincère) ★ Candide (the hero's name in Voltaire's novel) means 'naive'.
★ Blanc is of Germanic origin.
Es blanco (white)
It bianco (white)
Po branco (white), Casabranca ('white house', Casablanca)
色 Couleurs: Colors
白 Blanc: White
黑 Noir: Black
绿 Vert: Green
红 Rouge: Red
黄 Jaune: Yellow
粉 Rose: Pink
栗 Marron: Brown
© Renaud Bouret