完 Finir to End
fin (end): finis
final (at the end): final, finale (finale), finality (irrévocabilité, finalité), to finalize (finaliser)
finir: to finish, finite (fini), finisher (coup de grâce)
finance ('putting and end to a debt or a fine', money matter): finance, financial (financier), fine (amende)
affinité ('same end'): affinity, affinitive (apparenté)
confiner ('to keep within limits'): to confine, confines (confins), confinement (détention, limitation)
définir ('to end down', 'to limit'): to define, definition (définition), definitive (définitif), definite (défini), indefinite (indéfini)
infini ('without end'): infinite, infinity (infinité), infinitive (infinitif), infinitesimal (infinitésimal)
fin ('accomplished'): fine
finesse (fineness): finesse (ruse), finery (luxe)
raffiner ('to make fine again'): to refine, refinement (raffinement), refinery (raffinerie), refining (raffinage)
⇨ Terme: Boundary
Es fin (end), confin (confines), definir (to define), infinito (infinite), fino (fine), fineza (fineness)
It fine (end), confine (confines), definire (to define), infinito (infinite), fino (fine), finezza (fineness)
De Ende (end)
全 Entier: Whole
半 Moitié: Half
多 Multi: Many
独 Seul: Alone
少 Peu: Little
低 Bas: Low
底 Fond: Bottom
高 Haut: High
右 Droite: Right
大 Grand: Big
小 Petit: Small
短 Bref: Short
窄 Étroit: Narrow
宽 Large: Wide
初 Début: Start
始 Commencer: to Begin
完 Finir: to End
界 Terme: Boundary
增 Croître: to Grow
© Renaud Bouret