绑 缚   Lier   to Bind  

liaison (binding): liaison, liable ('bound', responsable, passible)
allier ('to bind together'): to ally, alliance (alliance), alloy (alliage)
rallier ('to re-assemble'): to rally
relier ('to bind together', to connect): to rely, reliance (confiance), reliant (confiant), reliable (sûr, digne de confiance)
ligament ('binding [tissue]'): ligament, ligature (ligature)
ligue ('bind', alliance): league
obliger ('to bind together', to constrain): to oblige, obligation (obligation), obligatory (obligatoire)

joindre (to bind, to combine): to join
jonction: junction, juncture (jointure)  Ã‰volution phonétique: Phonetic evolution
adjoint ('joined to'): adjunct, adjunction (adjonction)
disjoindre ('to join apart'): to disjoint, disjunction (disjonction), disjunctive (disjonctif)
conjonction ('joined with'): conjunction, conjunct (conjoint), conjunctive (conjonctif), conjunctivitis (conjonctivite), conjuncture (conjoncture)
injonction ('joined in'): injunction
rejoindre ('to join again'): to rejoin, rejoinder (répartie)
subjonctif ('joined under'): subjunctive, to subjoin
conjuguer ('to join together'): to conjugate, conjugal ('relating to marriage': conjugal)
subjuguer ('to join under'): to subjugate

 Ã‰volution phonétique: Phonetic evolution

Fr délier (to untie), lien (link)
Es liar (to bind), ligazon (binding), obligar (to oblige), junto (together)
It legare (to bind), lega (league), obbligare (to oblige), giungere (to join, to reach)

Société: Society
Confiance: Trust
Aider: to Help
Servitude: Bondage
Donner: to Give
Hôte: Guest
绑 缚 Lier: to Bind

© Renaud Bouret