Monter   to Climb  

mont ('elevation'): mount, mountain (montagne), mountaineer (montagnard), mountainous (montagneux), paramount ('to the top', suprême)
montant ('mounting up to'): amount, tantamount ('as much amount', équivalent)
monticule ('small hill'): monticule
montage ('setting up', assembling): montage
démonter (to alight, to disassemble): to dismount
remonter ('to mount again'): to remount, remount (remonte)
surmonter ('to mount over'): to surmount
tramontane ('from beyond the mountains'): tramontane (ultramontain)
ultramontain ('across the [Alps] moutains', i.e. Italy): ultramontane (partisan of the Pope)

 Escalier: Stairs

Es montaña (mountain)
It monte (mount), montagna (mountain), tramontana ('wind from across the mountains', tramontana)

Venir: to Come
Aller: to Go
Partir: to Leave
Sortir: to Come out, to Go out
Entrer: to Go in, to Come in
Ouvrir: to Open
Clore: to Shut
Monter: to Climb
Marcher: to Walk
Courir: Run
Fuir: to Flee
流浪 Errer: to Wander
Sauter: to Jump
飞 飛 Voler: to Fly
Chasser: to Hunt
Suivre: to Follow
Chute: Fall
Arrêter: to Stop
Atteindre: to Reach
Asseoir: to Sit
Lever: to Rise

© Renaud Bouret