石 Pierre Stone
pétrifier (to turn into stone): to petrify, petrifaction (pétrification), petrification (pétrification), petrous (pierreux)
pétrole ('stone oil'): petroleum, petrology (pétrologie)
pétroglyphe ('rock carving'): petroglyph
pétrographie ('rock writing'): petrography
Pierre ('stone'): Peter
Pierrot ('little Pierre', a comic character): pierrot, parrot (perroquet)
✓ Pierre (capital of South Dakota) is named after Pierre Choteau.
caillou ('small stone', pebble): calculus ('pebble used to count', calcul), to calculate (calculer), calculation (calcul)
✓ Petit Caillou (Louisiana) means 'little stone'. ⇨ Petit: Small.
roche ('a large mass of stone'): rock, rocky (rocheux)
✓ Little Rock (Arkansas) was originally named La Petite Roche in 1722 by Bernard de la Harpe. The former name of the Yellowstone River was rivière des Roches jaunes, which is itself the translation of an Indian name.
Es pedra (stone), Pedro (Peter)
It pietra (stone), Pietro (Peter)
水 Eau: Water
冰 Glace: Ice
浪 Onde: Wave
流 Flux: Stream
泉 Source: Spring
火 Feu: Fire
灰 Cendre: Ash
燎 Flamber: to Burn
光 Lumière: Light
辉 Briller: to Shine
暗 Obscur: Dark
影 Ombre: Shadow
金 Or: Gold
银 Argent: Silver
铁 Fer: Iron
石 Pierre: Stone
煤 Charbon: Coal
© Renaud Bouret