Écrire   to Write  

écriture ('writing'): scripture, script (écriture, transcription, scénariste)
écritoire ('writing desk'): escritoire (secrétaire)
décrire ('to write down'): to describe, description (description)
inscrire ('to write upon'): to inscribe, inscription (inscription)
prescrire ('to write beforehand'): to prescribe, prescription (prescription, ordonnance), prescriptive (de prescription, consacré)
transcrire ('to write from one book into another'): to transcribe, transcription (transcription)
manuscrit ('written by hand'): manuscript  Main: Hand

 Ã‰volution phonétique: phonetic evolution

Es escribir (to write), escrito (written)
It scrivere (to write), scritto (written)

Bien: Well
Bon: Good
Mal: Bad
Vrai: True
错 錯 Faux: Wrong
Savoir: to Know
Croire: to Believe
Feindre: to Sham
Vouloir: to Want
Écrire: to Write
读 讀 Lire: to Read
Apprendre: to Learn
Oublier: to Forget

© Renaud Bouret