Étroit   Narrow  

détroit ('narrow passage'): strait, district (district)
strict ('tightened'): strict, strictly (strictement)
restreindre ('to bind back'): to restrain, restraint (restriction)
rétrécir (to narrow, to shrink): to restrict, restriction (restriction)
contraindre ('to tighten', to curb, to force): to constrain, constraint (contrainte)
Detroit (Michigan) means '[river] strait' (between Lake Erie and Lake Saint Clair). It's original name was Fort Pontchartrain du Détroit.

 Ã‰volution phonétique: phonetic evolution
 Ã‰volution phonétique: phonetic evolution

Entier: Whole
Moitié: Half
Multi: Many
Seul: Alone
Peu: Little
Bas: Low
Fond: Bottom
Haut: High
Droite: Right
Grand: Big
Petit: Small
Bref: Short
Étroit: Narrow
Large: Wide
Début: Start
Commencer: to Begin
Finir: to End
Terme: Boundary
Croître: to Grow

© Renaud Bouret