Arme   Weapon  

armes (weapons): arms, army (armée)
armement (weaponry): armament
armure: armor
armature: armature
armistice ('weapon stand'): armistice
alarme ('to the arms!'): alarm, to alarm (alarmer), alarming (alarmant)
désarmer ('to take the weapons away'): to disarm, disarmament (désarmement)

Es armada ('armed [fleet]', fleet)

Bâton: Stick
Barre: Rail
Couteau: Knife
Lame: Blade
Corde: Rope
线 綫 Fil: Thread
Aiguille: Needle
Sac: Bag
Boule: Ball
书 書 Livre: Book
Arme: Weapon

© Renaud Bouret