寓言   Fable   Tale  

fable ('talk', tale): fable, to confabulate (causer), confabulation ('talk', conciliabule, causette)
fabuleux ('like in fables'): fabulous
fabuliste ('fable teller'): fabulist
affable ('easy to be spoken to'): affable
ineffable ('impossible to be spoken of'): ineffable

Es fábula (tale)
It favola (tale)

话 言 Parler: to Speak
讳 諱 Taire: to Hush
Dire: to Say
Verbe: Word
寓言 Fable: Tale
问 問 Demander: to Ask
Répondre: to Answer
Crier: to Shout
Appeler: to Call
Nom: Name

© Renaud Bouret