Âme   Soul  

animal ('living creature'): animal
animer (to endue with life): to animate, animation (animation)
animosité ('full of mind'): animosity
animisme ('religion of the soul'): animism
inanimé ('without life'): inanimate
magnanime ('with a great soul'): magnanimous, magnanimity (magnanimité),  magnanimous
pusillanime ('with a small soul'): pusillanimous, pusillanimity (pusillanimité)
ranimer ('to bring to life again'): to reanimate, reanimation (réanimation)
unanime ('of one mind'): unanimous, unanimity (unanimité)  Un: One

bête: beast
bétail ('pertaining to beasts', cattle), bestial: bestial, beastly, bestiality (bestialité)

Es alma (soul), bestia (animal, beast), bicho (small creature)
It anima (soul), bestia (animal, beast)

Âme: Soul
Esprit: Mind
Être: to Be
Respirer: to Breathe
Vie: Life
Naître: to be Born
Mort: Death
Jeune: Young
Vieux: Old
Homme: Man
Femme : Woman
Dormir: to Sleep
Santé: Health

© Renaud Bouret