Respirer   to Breathe  

spirante ('breathing'): spirant
respirer ('to breathe again', to breathe): to respire, respiration (respiration), respirator (respirateur), respiratory (respiratoire), spirate ('breathing hole', stomate)
aspirer ('to breathe to'): to aspire, aspirant (aspirant), aspiration (aspiration), aspirator (aspirateur)
conspirer ('to breathe together', to plot against): to conspire, conspirator (conspirateur), conspiracy (conspiration)
expirer ('to breathe out'): to expire, expiration (expiration), expiry ('coming to an end', expiration)
inspirer ('to breathe in', to prompt): to inspire, inspiration (inspiration), inspirational (inspiré)
soupirer ('to breathe under', to sigh): to suspire
transpirer ('to breathe through'): to transpire, transpiration (transpiration), perspiration ('breathing through', transpiration)

 Esprit: Spirit

Es respirar (to breathe)
It spirare (to blow), respirare (to breathe), sospirare (to sigh)

Âme: Soul
Esprit: Mind
Être: to Be
Respirer: to Breathe
Vie: Life
Naître: to be Born
Mort: Death
Jeune: Young
Vieux: Old
Homme: Man
Femme : Woman
Dormir: to Sleep
Santé: Health

© Renaud Bouret