房 Maison Home
maison ('place to stay'): mansion
✓ Maison (Tennessee) literally means 'home'.
manoir ('place to stay'): manor, manorial (seigneurial)
ménagerie ('place to keep household animals'): menagerie
permanent ('to stay through'): permanent, permanency (permanence)
rémanent ('which stays back'): remanent, remnant (reste), to remain ('to stay back', rester) ⇨ Arrêter: to Stop
stage ('place to stay', stay), étage ('standing place', 'dwelling', floor, story): stage (étape) ★ The word 'stage-coach' comes from two French words: estage ('place to stay [during a journey]') and coche (covered vehicle).⇨ Évolution phonétique: Phonetic evolution
instaurer (to build): store ('building for storage'), story ('floor', étage)
restaurer (to rebuild): to restore
It rimanere (to remain)
Jp manshon (building, residence)
房 Maison: Home
家 Domicile: House
住 Habiter: to Dwell
巢 Nid: Nest
室 Chambre: Room
门 門 Porte: Door
钥 Clé: Key
窗 Fenêtre: Window
壁 Mur: Wall
梯 Escalier: Stairs
造 Construire: to Build
园 Cour: Yard
炉 Four: Oven
床 Lit: Bed
洗 Laver: to Wash
刮 Raser: to Scrape
© Renaud Bouret