门 門 Porte Door
porte (door, opening ' refuge ' harbor): port (port)
portier ('doorman'): porter
portail (gate): portal, portico ('long covered passage', portique), porch (porche)
passeport ('giving passage through the port'): passport ⇨ Passer: to Go through
opportun ('which brings to the harbor'): opportune, opportunist (opportuniste), opportunity
importun ('inaccessible'): importune, to importunate (importuner)
✓ The Sublime Porte was the French and English name of the Turkish Ottoman governement (Turkish Babi Ali, high gate, from Arabic)
✓ LaPorte (Indiana, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Mississipi) means 'the door'. It is a common family name.
✓ Puerto Rico means 'rich harbor'. Porto Alegre (Brazil) means 'happy harbor'.
Es puerta (door), puerto (port), portal (gate), portero (doorman), pasaporte (passport)
It porta (door), portico ('pertaining to a door', porch)
房 Maison: Home
家 Domicile: House
住 Habiter: to Dwell
巢 Nid: Nest
室 Chambre: Room
门 門 Porte: Door
钥 Clé: Key
窗 Fenêtre: Window
壁 Mur: Wall
梯 Escalier: Stairs
造 Construire: to Build
园 Cour: Yard
炉 Four: Oven
床 Lit: Bed
洗 Laver: to Wash
刮 Raser: to Scrape
© Renaud Bouret