大 Manteau Coat
manteau (cloak, hood): mantle (cape), mantelpiece (manteau de cheminée), mantilla (mantille)
mantelet (small coat): mantelet (gilet pare-balles)
démanteler ('to take a man's cloak off'): to dismantle, dismantling (démontage)
porte-manteau ('coat holder'): portmanteau (mot-valise) ⇨ Porter: to Bear
Es manto (cloak), mantilla ('small cloak', mantilla)
It mantello (cloak, coat)
Jp manto (mantle)
Habillement: Dress
衣 Vêtement: Clothes
穿 Habiller: to Clothe
裤 Pantalon: Trousers
衬 Chemise: Shirt
大 Manteau: Coat
布 Tissu: Cloth
毛 Laine: Wool
© Renaud Bouret