Étoile   Star  

stellaire (pertaining to stars): stellar
constellation ('cluster of stars'): constellation
consteller (to spangle): to constellate
Etoile (Kentucky, Texas) means 'star'.

astre (heavenly body): aster (star-like flower, aster)
astronomie ('law of the stars'): astronomy, astrology (astrologie)
astronaute ('star surfer'): astronaut  Navire: Ship
astéroïde ('little star'): asteroid
astérisque ('little star'): asterisk
désastre ('under a bad star'): disaster, disastrous (désastreux)

Es estrella (star), desastre (disaster), astronomía (astronomy)
It stella (star), disastro (disaster), astronomia (astronomy)

Terre: Earth
Monde: World
Ciel: Sky
Soleil: Sun
Lune: Moon
Étoile: Star
Mer: Sea
ÃŽle: Island
Vent: Wind
Nuage: Cloud
Pluie: Rain
Chaud: Hot
Froid: Cold
Frais: Cool
Geler: to Freeze
Champ: Field

© Renaud Bouret