Page d'accueil de 'Textes chinois annotés' homepage (in French) Interactive Japanese kanji dictionary

漢字字典 Interactive Japanese kanji dictionaryDictionnaire interactif des caractères japonais

Translation window Fenêtre de traduction

1. Drag and drop a Japanese text into the translation box
Using the mouse, select a piece of text in Japanese from your Internet browser, text editor or any other window; left-click inside the text and keep the button pressed; drag the mouse to its destination; release the mouse button). Once the text is transferred, you can select characters (or words) with the mouse to obtain their definitions.
Glissez et déposez votre texte japonais dans ce rectangle (avec la souris, sélectionnez le texte dans votre navigateur ou toute autre fenêtre; garder le bouton de la souris enfoncée; amenez la souris à destination; relâchez le bouton).
Vous pourrez ensuite sélectionner des caractères ou des mots du texte pour obtenir leur définition.

2. Select character (or word) to obtain its definition
Once the text is transferred, you can select characters (or words) with the mouse to obtain their definitions.
Vous pourrez sélectionner des caractères ou des mots du texte pour obtenir leur définition.

3. Translate a text fragment
You can obtain a rough translation of all the words and characters of a short fragment of Japanese text. Select the text with the mouse and press T on the keyboard. A maximum of 200 characters will be considered. Translation may take some time when computer speed is slow and text is large.
Pour obtenir la traduction simultanée de tous les mots et caractères chinois d'une phrase (ou d'une courte section) du texte, sélectionnez la phrase en question et tapez sur la touche "t" du clavier. Un maximum de 200 caractères sera considéré.

The dictionary contains 6000 characters and about 15000 words. This is still a small size dictionary: you will not find all the words and definitions. A few definitions might not be accurate. NB: 6000 caractères et environ 15 000 mots dans le dictionnaire actuel. Il peut manquer des mots et des définitions.


Building quick reference tables

When you combine the dictionary with the translation window, you can build quick reference tables. In the example shown below, you create a list of kanji based on a given radical. You could also create a list on kanji based on similar reading, etc.
Note: The characters list appearing on top of the dictionary window also includes hidden characters (those not appearing in the dictionary or not used in Japanese). After drag and drop, these characters will become visible or, if they are not used in Japanese, they will appear as a small square.


Requirements and compatibility

  • These programs only work with Internet Explorer 5.5+ and Windows 98+ (sorry, it is not an ideological choice). Explorer 6 and Windows XP recommended. Japanese characters must be present on your system.
  • Don't buy the CD-ROM before you have tested the online version!


    * Questions? Problems?Questions? Problèmes?
 - 2004