亲 Cher Dear
chérir (to endear): to cherish
caresse ('dearness'): caress, to caress (caresser)
charité ('dearness'): charity
⇨ Évolution phonétique: phonetic evolution
Es caro (dear), caricia (caress), caridad (charity)
It caro (dear), carezza (caress), carità (charity)
羞 Timide: Shy
贪 Convoitise: Greed
骄 骹 Fier: Proud
爱 愛 Aimer: to Love
亲 Cher: Dear
梦 Rêver: to Dream
欢 Joyeux: Merry
喜 Content: Glad
笑 Rire: to Laugh
哭 Pleurer: to Weep
苦 Peine: Sorrow
望 Espoir: Hope
害 Nuire: to Harm
惊 Stupéfier: to Amaze
© Renaud Bouret