Dire   to Say  

diction ('saying'): diction, dictionary (dictionnaire)
dicter ('to say [what to do]'): to dictate, dictation (dictée)
dictateur ('one who dictates [orders]'): dictator, dictatorship (dictature), dictatorial (dictatorial)
dicton ('saying', byword): dictum (affirmation, remarque superfétatoire)
abdiquer ('to proclaim from', 'to renounce'): to abdicate, abdication (abdication)
condition ('discussed together'): condition, conditional (conditionnel), conditioner (conditionneur)
contredire ('to speak against'): to contradict, contradiction (contradiction), contradictory (contradictoire), contradictious (contrariant)
dédier ('to proclaim down'): to dedicate, dedication (dédicace), to addict ('to tell to', 'to assign', consacrer), addict (toxicomane), addiction (penchant, intoxication)
édicter ('to speak out'): to edict
interdire ('to pronounce a judgment between two parties', to forbid): to interdict, interdiction (interdiction), interdictory (prohibitif)
prédire ('to foretell'): to predict, prediction (prédiction)
prédication ('proclaiming before', declaration): predication, predicatory (prêcheur), predicant (prêcheur), predicate (prédicat), predicative (affirmatif)
prêcher ('to foretell', 'to declare'): to preach, preacher (prêcheur)
bénédiction (to speak well): benediction ( Bien: Good)
malédiction (to speak badly): malediction ( Mal: Bad)
verdict ('truly said'): verdict  Vrai: True

Es decir (to say)
It dire (to say), detto (said, word, ditto!)

话 言 Parler: to Speak
讳 諱 Taire: to Hush
Dire: to Say
Verbe: Word
寓言 Fable: Tale
问 問 Demander: to Ask
Répondre: to Answer
Crier: to Shout
Appeler: to Call
Nom: Name

© Renaud Bouret