Chef   Head  

chef (head, chief): chief, chef ('head [of the kitchen'], chef).
couvre-chef (which covers the head, headgear): kerchief (fichu)
méchef (old French 'bad action'): mischief (tort, méfait, méchanceté)
achever ('to bring to the head', to terminate): to achieve
capitaine: captain, chieftain (chef, cheftaine)
capital ('of chief importance'): capital
capital (the principal part of the goods owned, stock of money): capital; capitalist (capitaliste), capitalism (capitalisme), to capitalize (capitaliser)
chapiteau ('small head [of a column]'): capital  Ã‰volution phonétique: Phonetic evolution
cheptel (richness constituted of domestic animals): cattle
capitale ('head [city]'): capital
décapiter ('to behead'): to decapitate; decapitation ('capital punishment', décapitation)
chapitre ('header', clause): chapter
capituler ('to sign a clause', surrender): to capitulate; capitulation
cap (headland): cape
cadet ('small head'): cadet

tête (head): testy ('heady', irritable), tester ('head-piece of a bed', baldaquin)
tête-à-tête ('face to face'): tête-à-tête
tête-bêche ('head two-head [bed]', top to bottom): tête-bêche
Grosse Tete (Louisiana) means 'big head'  Grand: Big.

chère ('face', '[welcoming] face', meal): cheer (mine, chère, gaieté), cheerful (plaisant, joyeux), cheerily (gaiement), cheering (hourras), cheerless (maussade)  visage

  Greek cephalo- (head) bicephalous ('double headed', bicéphale), encephalitis ('brain inflammation', encéphalite)

  Arabic ra's also means 'chief' and 'cape'. Ras Tafari (rasta) means Chief Tafari (emperor of Ethiopia also called Hailé Sélassié). Ras al-Khaima (one of the United Arab Emirates) means 'campground cape'.

 Ã‰volution phonétique: Phonetic evolution

Es cabeza (head), cabo (cape), capitano (captain), capital (capital), cara (face)
It capo (head, chief, beginning), capitano (captain), capitale (capital), testa (head)
Po cabo (cape, end), Cabo de Boa Esperança (Cape of Good Hope)

Anatomie: Anatomy
Corps: Body
Nu: Naked
Chef: Head
Cerveau: Brain
颅 顱 Crâne: Skull
Bouche: Mouth
Langue: Tongue
齿 齒 Dent: Tooth
Lèvres: Lips
Å’il: Eye
Nez: Nose
Oreille: Ear
Front: Forehead
Cheveux: Hair
Barbe: Beard
Cou: Neck
Gorge: Throat
Bras: Arm
Main: Hand
Doigt: Finger
Poing: Fist
Poitrine: Chest
Côte: Rib
CÅ“ur: Heart
Poumon: Lung
Dos: Back
Ventre: Belly
Jambe: Leg
Pied: Foot
Peau: Skin
Sang: Blood
Os: Bone
Sueur: Sweat

© Renaud Bouret