Corps   Body  

corps (body): corps, corpse (cadavre), corpus (corpus, corps)
corps diplomatique ('body of diplomats'): corps diplomatique
corsage ('small body', especially the bust): corsage, corset (corset)
corselet ('small body'): corselet (corselet, gaine)
corporel (belonging to the body): corporal (corporel, caporal), corporeal (corporel, tangible)
corpulent ('with a big body'): corpulent, corpulence (corpulence)
corpuscule ('small body'): corpuscle, corpuscular (corpusculaire)
corporation ('a body of people'): corporation (corporation, société, organisme), corporate (constitué), corporative (corporatif), corporatism (corporatisme)
incorporer ('to form into a body'): to incorporate, incorporation (incorporation), incorporeal (incorporel)
  Greek somato- (body) somatic (somatique), psychosomatic ('body [trouble caused by the] soul') psychosomatique), chromosome ('colored body', chromosome)

Es cuerpo (body)
It corpo (body)

Anatomie: Anatomy
Corps: Body
Nu: Naked
Chef: Head
Cerveau: Brain
颅 顱 Crâne: Skull
Bouche: Mouth
Langue: Tongue
齿 齒 Dent: Tooth
Lèvres: Lips
Å’il: Eye
Nez: Nose
Oreille: Ear
Front: Forehead
Cheveux: Hair
Barbe: Beard
Cou: Neck
Gorge: Throat
Bras: Arm
Main: Hand
Doigt: Finger
Poing: Fist
Poitrine: Chest
Côte: Rib
CÅ“ur: Heart
Poumon: Lung
Dos: Back
Ventre: Belly
Jambe: Leg
Pied: Foot
Peau: Skin
Sang: Blood
Os: Bone
Sueur: Sweat

© Renaud Bouret