绷 Tendre to Stretch
tendre (to stretch): to tender ('to stretch [one's arms]', offrir, soumettre, présenter), tender (offre, soumission)
tendance: tendency, tendentious (tendancieux)
tendon ('stretcher [between bones]'): tendon, tendinous (tendineux)
tension ('straining'): tension, tense (tendu), tensile (extensible)
tente ('stretched out [material]'): tent
tenture ('a stretching'): tenter (élargisseuse)
attendre ('to stretch towards', to wait): to attend ('to wait for', assister, servir), attendant (assistant), attendance (assistance), attention (attention), attentive (attentif)
contentieux ('stretched with', argument): contentious, to contend (lutter, disputer), contention (controverse)
distendre ('to stretch apart'): to distend, distention (distension), distensible (extensible)
étendre ('to stretch out'): to extend, extension (extension), extensive (extensif), extensible (extensible), extensor (extenseur)
entendre ('to stretch to', to understand, to hear): entente ('understanding', entente), to intend (projeter), intent (intention, attentif), intently (attentivement), intention (intention), intense ('stretched', intense), intensive (intensif)
ostentation ('stretching before'): ostensible (soi-disant), ostensive (ostensible), ostentation (ostentation), ostensory (ostensoir)
sous-tendre ('to stretch beneath'): to subtend
震 Trembler: to Shake
噎 Étrangler: to Choke
把 持 Tenir: to Hold
拿 Prendre: to Take
驯 馴 Dompter: to Tame
搁 Mettre: to Put, to Send
摆 Poser: to Set
示 Montrer: to Show
压 Presser: to Squeeze
拉 Tirer: to Pull
绷 Tendre: to Stretch
断 Rompre: to Break
缚 縛 Attacher: to Fasten
吊 Pendre: to Hang
做 Faire: to Do
藏 Cacher: to Hide
保 Garder: to Keep
叠 Plier: to Fold
屈 Voûter: to Bend
拧 Tordre: to Twist
切 Tailler: to Cut
投 Jeter: to Throw
打 Coup: Strike
© Renaud Bouret