Jeter   to Throw  

jet ('a throwing', burst): jet (jet, gicleur, avion à réaction)
jetée ('[structure] cast into [the water]'): jetty, jettison (délestage), jetsam (objets jetés à la mer, épaves)
abject ('thrown away', degraded): abject, abjection (abjection), abjectly (bassement)
adjectif ('thrown near to'): adjective, adjectival (adjectif)
conjecture ('thrown together', guess): conjecture, conjectural (conjectural)
déjection ('thrown down'): dejection (déjection, abattement), to deject (déprimer), dejector (purgatif)
éjecter ('to throw out'): to eject, ejection (éjection), ejaculation (éjaculation)
injecter ('to throw into'): to inject, injection (injection)
interjeter ('to throw between): to interject, interjection (interjection)
objecter ('to throw towards'): to object, objection (objection), objector (objecteur), object (objet), objectivity (objectivité), objective (objectif)
projeter ('to throw forth'): to project, projection (projection), projectile (projectile)
rejeter ('to throw back', 'to throw away'): to reject, rejection (rejet)
sujet ('thrown under'): subject, subjective (subjectif), subjectivity (subjectivité)
trajet ('thrown across'): trajectory (trajectoire)

It gettare (to throw)

Trembler: to Shake
Étrangler: to Choke
把 持 Tenir: to Hold
Prendre: to Take
驯 馴 Dompter: to Tame
Mettre: to Put, to Send
Poser: to Set
Montrer: to Show
Presser: to Squeeze
Tirer: to Pull
Tendre: to Stretch
Rompre: to Break
缚 縛 Attacher: to Fasten
Pendre: to Hang
Faire: to Do
Cacher: to Hide
Garder: to Keep
Plier: to Fold
Voûter: to Bend
Tordre: to Twist
Tailler: to Cut
Jeter: to Throw
Coup: Strike

© Renaud Bouret