Tailler   to Cut  

tailleur ('cutter'): tailor
taillé (notched): tally (taille, encoche, pointage, contrepartie)
détailler ('to cut apart'): detail (détail)
entailler (to carve): to entail (substituer)
retailler ('to cut again', '[to sell] by small pieces'): retail (vente au détail)

It tagliare (to cut), intaglio ('engraved design', intaglio)

Trembler: to Shake
Étrangler: to Choke
把 持 Tenir: to Hold
Prendre: to Take
驯 馴 Dompter: to Tame
Mettre: to Put, to Send
Poser: to Set
Montrer: to Show
Presser: to Squeeze
Tirer: to Pull
Tendre: to Stretch
Rompre: to Break
缚 縛 Attacher: to Fasten
Pendre: to Hang
Faire: to Do
Cacher: to Hide
Garder: to Keep
Plier: to Fold
Voûter: to Bend
Tordre: to Twist
Tailler: to Cut
Jeter: to Throw
Coup: Strike

© Renaud Bouret